It is a specialty of dentistry that deals with the replacement of missing teeth with bridges, dentures or dental implants, in addition to restoring teeth with therapeutic and cosmetic fillings in various forms such as crowns and porcelain.
It is a specialty of dentistry that diagnoses, prevents and treats injuries and diseases related to the roots and nerves of the teeth and the surrounding tissues.
The specialty of dentistry that deals with diseases of the gums and tissues surrounding the teeth. This specialty also deals with the development of dental implants and therapeutic and cosmetic gum surgeries that are performed to improve the appearance of the gums.
It is a specialty of dentistry concerned with the promotion of oral health and the prevention of dental diseases in children from birth until adulthood.
It is a specialty of dentistry that diagnoses and corrects crooked teeth and spaces between the teeth, using special medical supports and brackets.
It is a dental specialty that works on restoring teeth to restore their beauty and function, and also deals with tooth fractures using the best therapeutic and cosmetic fillings.
It is a specialty of dentistry that evaluates, diagnoses, and treats diseases, disorders, and complex pains in the head, neck, jaw, and muscles.
the face.
he specialty of oral and dental health plays a vital role in maintaining oral health and preventing gum disease, dental disease and the causes of tooth decay.